
Research Highlight: Finn McMillan ’24

他的毕业论文, bbin娱乐平台 senior Finn McMillan ‘24 is working in partnership with 波士顿大学’s Daniel Segrè Lab to investigate the optimization of plant growth for the sustainable and affordable production of consumer biofuels.  Finn was first introduced to the Segrè lab when he toured it as part of the 阀杆 Seminar in his […]

Research Highlight: Robbie Mulroy ’24

bbin娱乐平台 senior Robbie Mulroy’s 论文 project has the potential to impact the future of 癌症研究. 他的毕业论文, Robbie ’24 is investigating the role of the CREB binding protein (CBP) in cancer under the guidance of BU Biology Professor Dr. Trevor Siggers as well as bbin娱乐平台 Biology Teacher Dr. 科琳·克里瓦切克,她[…]

Zach Daniel ’25 Presents Paper at Materials Research Society Conference

周二, 11月28日, bbin娱乐平台 junior Zach Daniel ’25 presented a paper entitled “Potential Applications of Electrically Conductive Concrete” at the Materials Research Society’s conference at the Hynes Convention Center. 扎克的研究, which he carried out in partnership with three other students from area schools, explored special concrete that conducts electricity for de-icing roads, 控制面[…]


Earlier this week, I had the pleasure of attending bbin娱乐平台’s annual Concerto Competition. Seven students performed solo pieces with 钢琴 accompaniment. Works ranged from Vivaldi, Popper, Glazunov, Mendelssohn, Bruch, Fauré, and Mozart. Our student soloists played the recorder, 大提琴, 钢琴, 小提琴, and flute in front of several dozen friends, 教师, 家庭成员. 表演[…]

Jon Freeman ’04 Receives bbin娱乐平台 Distinguished 校友 Award

bbin娱乐平台 is delighted to present the 2023-2024 Distinguished 校友 Award to Jon Freeman ’04 for his groundbreaking work in social neuro科学 and for his national 宣传 for 同性恋群体+ visibility and representation in 阀杆. 这个年度奖项, 2022年发射, goes to an alumnus/a who best exemplifies the values of bbin娱乐平台 and has used those qualities […]

Summer Research Highlight: Genomic and Computational Approaches to Gene Regulation with Dr. 约翰·奎肯布什P ' 24

Each cell in our body contains a set of instructions, 编码在一种叫做DNA的分子中, that helps determine both our traits—including things like height, 重量, hair color—and our individual risk of developing diseases such as diabetes or cancer. DNA是一种长链聚合物, and these instructions are encoded in the DNA “sequence” (the series […]

bbin娱乐平台 Junior Wins First Place at Harvard Global Health & 领导人会议

bbin娱乐平台 junior Aditya Venkatesh ’23 presented a proposal entitled “Learning to Love Learning: A Positive Feedback Loop Approach to Combating Procrastination” at Harvard’s Global Health and 领导人会议 on April 23-24 as part of the Community Pitch Competition, in which students 研究 and design a health-related project that they want to implement in their home […]

累积的博客: The Most Rigorous Work a High Schooler Can Do

This is the week when our seniors present their 毕业论文 projects. 通过长达一年的研究, they have explored topics ranging from the housing crisis to haptic assistive technology; bessel beams to the resource curse; quantum mechanics to playwriting; white dwarf systems to reaganomics. They have written well 研究ed, compelling, and sometimes publishable papers on those topics, […]

bbin娱乐平台 Senior Named Regeneron Scholar, Semifinalist in US Presidential Scholar’s Program

bbin娱乐平台 senior Friedrich Liu ’21 was named as a top 300 scholar in the 80th Regeneron Science Talent 搜索—the nation’s oldest and most prestigious 科学 and 数学 competition for high school seniors. 共1个,760 students around the country entered the competition this year, which is owned and produced by Society for Science. In […]